Kaddish Gallery #2
"Kaddish" translates as "A Prayer for the Dead." Called "A Giant Act of Remembrance" by painter R. J. Mendola, these large-scale mixed media works explore various forms of 20th century social, physical and political victimization.
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THE DREAM OF ABEL mixed media on canvas 6'x7'
GAS CHAMBER mixed media on canvas 6'x7'
THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES mixed media on canvas 6'x8'
ZYKLON B mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
KILLING FLOOR mixed media on canvas 6'x7'
THE EXPULSION mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
BLOCK 66 mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
THE LAST JUDGMENT mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
SYMBIOSIS mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
MOSES AND AARON mixed media on canvas 6'x4'
RESURRECTION mixed media on canvas 6'x8'
CHOSEN mixed media on canvas 6'x8'
MASADA mixed media on canvas 6'x8'
CRUCIFIXION mixed media on canvas 6'x8'